Derby Panther Stadium

Panther Stadium

Project Case Study
Derby selected McCownGordon to be the construction manager at-risk for the district’s bond plan. The bond includes $100 million+ for a new elementary in addition to improvements at Derby High School, Derby Middle School, several elementary schools, transportation and maintenance/grounds building, administration building, athletic field improvements and a new Panther Stadium.


Derby Public Schools USD 260


Building Information Modeling
Collaborative Delivery


Derby, KS

Client Testimonial

Hear it for yourself

“Working with McCownGordon was a great experience from day one! During the preconstruction period they really worked to maximize the amount of construction we could do for that budget. They came to the table with unique ideas during the preconstruction period, which let us get the best bang for every dollar that we spend on these projects.”

-Burke Jones, Director of operations, Derby Public schools

Watch the testimonial


This state-of-the-art facility provides Derby High School a brand new stadium for 4,000+ fans and significantly improves the line of sight for fans. LED lighting improves the brightness at the field while preventing lighting spillage into the neighboring residential area. A 1,000 square foot pressbox includes seven boxes for coaches, radio and other game needs.The project also includes several updated amenities such as the ticket plaza, concession stand, fan shop, bathrooms, locker rooms and an expanded parking lot. Overall this project provides a safer and more secure athletic complex for fans and players, in addition to reflecting the District’s exceptional football program with multiple state championships.

Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium
Derby Panther Stadium

Building Relationships

In The Community

The superintendent on the project proposed an event to help Derby School District celebrate a milestone in the project and engage the community with a coin toss into the concrete poured for the deck of the press box.

For good luck, school officials and community members signed commemorative, Derby branded coins and flipped them into the poured concrete! The event brought over 30 individuals from the Derby Board of Education, school leadership and our team to help celebrate the milestone and engage the client.